“The less I teach my dog, the more he learns on his own.”
— Santos Salcines Nazabal, SANJANA & Dogs, Founding Member of ANPECEC
“The #slowdogmovement aims to foster deeper relationships between dogs and humans, educate by ‘*showing the right way’, and grow a like minded worldwide community of dog lovers embracing the value of SLOW.”

Slow Dog Movement Philosophy
A social movement
We are a social movement. We promote ethical values within the dog/human relationship. In keeping with the human ecosystem, we cultivate our respectful coexistence. We consider the deep knowledge of the physiology and needs of the dog.
We promote self knowledge
We promote self-knowledge and emotional development. Members can learn through 'master scenarios.' These are where each dog can display the entire repertoire of known natural behaviours. Due to lack of experience, some dogs do not even know these yet.
Learn to go SLOW
Dogs and humans often find slowing down complicated. Dogs may have the feeling that they need to protect themselves. How can they be aware when they don't know that they can feel otherwise?
Many dogs do not know that going outside can be slow. They do not know that they can go for a walk without pulling on the leash. Without barking. Without a concerned human accompanying them during the walk.
Shared values
The Slow Dog Movement® C.I.C. promotes and shares values such as: #donothingwithyourdog® #circleoftrust, #beyourdogsbestfriend, #forestbathingwithyourdog, #inpraiseofslow, #inpraiseofslowness, #slowwalks. And other ‘non-hashtag’ ideas! We also support initiatives like Sensory Gardens 4 Dogs, a worldwide initiative.
The Slow Dog Movement® C.I.C. strives to be a source of inspiration for all. Let's return to our roots and connect with nature and with all living beings.
*’show the right way’ is an idea originally learned from Turid Rugaas.

Slow Dog Movement Philosophy
Our Guidelines
We invite you to join the SLOW DOG MOVEMENT© C.I.C. if you think you share our values and are willing to commit to our principles:
— The relationship with our dog is the primary focus.
— It’s a dog’s choice – choice to walk, speed, play, meeting other dogs, humans, chews, sleep, contact etc. Choice builds confidence and is a dog’s right.
— Slow enables observation. It’s important to observe a dog and what they are communicating.
— Humans must slow down so that their dogs can do the same.
— Studying the ‘dog ethogram’ and support of natural dog behaviours.
— The 90% calm, 10% aroused ratio is a suggested aim.
— Focus on movement and activity that supports a healthy body and brain.
— Respect for our dogs as sentient beings and individuals.
— Appropriate equipment – well fitted harness and long, loose leash, minimum 3m.
— Ask yourself why it’s important to you to engage in training/commands, whether it be ‘positive’ or ‘fear free.’
— In terms of dogs and sports/hobbies, ask yourself, would your dog engage in these activities if left to their own desires?
— Always fulfil the basic needs of your dog and remember to check their emotional requirements as well.
— Slow walks and other recommended activities on our page can really help rescue dogs and dogs with fear and anxiety.
— Take your time to get to know your dog and support their individual character and needs.
As we hurry through our lives, our dogs often get pulled at a fast pace too. We either bring them to loud festivals or on jogs and bike rides with us or leave them at home. Either way is not pleasant for our canine friends. This group's aim is to inspire, share and educate as manv people as posible to simply BE with their dogs as well as provide positive experiences for them. Enrichment, slow walking, calm social activities, and many other ideas are part of it. After all, it is part of a dog's natural behaviour!
Sit beside your dog more often. Sleep near with them, Eat near them and sit near them when they eat. Involve them in calm activities, while you garden, read, craft, and cook, DO NOTHING with your dog, at home, in nature, in the forest, at thebeach etc. Sit and watch the world go by with them. Make sure that people/dogs aren't walking directly towards your dog when you do this! Forest bathe with your dog. Let your dog sniff and slow down on the walk!
Pay attention to your connection with your dog. Be present, trust them, and grow your relationship. Bond with them by giving them choices on where to walk, what to chew etc. Allow your dog to lead on walks if it is a safe option. This will build your dog's confidence and grow the bond between you. It is a joy to see where your dog will lead you! Let your dog have as much choice as posible in his/her life as posible. Observe your dog in a respectful and curious way. Command your dog less or not at all.
The Slow Dog Movement® C.I.C. is more than happy to speak at your conference, be part of your webinar or chat on your podcast. We are three directors, with very different backgrounds. We LOVE to talk! With each other, with our members and with you! Get in touch if you want to learn more about our unique organisation or one or all of our chatty Directors!
Ways to go SLOW
Sit with/beside your dog more often – Sleep near/with them– Eat with them near and be near them when they eat – Involve them in calm activities, just to be close to you while you garden, read, do crafts, cook
– Just DO NOTHING with your dog, at home, in nature, in the forest, at the beach etc. #donothingwithyourdog©
– Sit and watch the world go by with them. Make sure that people/dogs aren’t walking directly towards your dog when you do this!
– Provide natural parkour and enriched environments for your dog – To relieve stress, engage their bodies/muscles appropriately and utilise their brains and problem solving abilities
– Observe your dog in a loving, respectful and curious way
– Really pay attention to your connection with your dog, be present and grow your relationship and bond with them by giving them choices on where to walk, what to chew etc.
– Forest bathe with your dog (see the blog post in ‘SLOW talk’) on this subject.
– Use a well fitted harness and a long leash. Visit our ‘Press and Resources ‘ page). At least 3m long. This allows your dog to move freely, be comfortable and communicate with ease.
– Allow your dog to lead on walks as long as this is a safe option. This will build your dog’s confidence and grow the bond between you. Plus, it is a joy to see where your dog will lead you!
– Let your have as much choice as possible in his/her life as possible. With food, treats, sleeping places, walking direction, friends, saying hello (or not), lying down, stopping on a walk, sniffing and the list goes on. Command your dog at a bare minimum or not at all. Try to build trust between you and your dog so that your dog takes responsibility for her/his actions.
– Visit a dedicated indoor enrichment facility, enclosed field with enrichment elements OR learn about building enrichment into your dog’s life from this website’s Resources page or Google searches. You can create small enriched environments in your home, garden and on the walk.